About Me

Hello! I am a graduate student at Brown University working under George Konidaris and Stefanie Tellex. Previously, I was a full-time Flight Software Engineer at York Space Systems.

I’m interested in endowing robotic systems with the ability to predict the future through the use of forward prediction models. More specifically, I believe that by giving robots the ability to understand how their actions could affect the future, they can make better decisions during learning and planning. My research interest is grounded in the belief that humans have an innate understanding of physics that informs our prediction capabilities, and we can equally embed this understanding into robots.

Currently, I’m researching how we can use forward prediction models to predict deformable dynamics for object manipulation. I am reasoning about how Graph Neural Networks can achieve this goal reliably with stochastic aware mechanisms.

My Promise To Ethical AI

Although AI and robotics can expedite tasks and ameliorate our lives, I cannot turn a blind eye to its ability to displace entire industries and amplify human bias. I personally promise to develop AI with a conscientious and egalitarian mindset, and I believe that ethically responsible AI should always be at the forefront of discussion.


Apart from research, I spend the majority of my time reading, exercising, looking through my telescope, and playing my saxophone. If you’re a student at Brown, I’m always open to connecting, whether it be for a round of golf, a quick game of Magic The Gathering, or going out for a beer!

I am also the Community Engagement Officer (CEO) for the Brown Graduate Student Climbing Club. Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to join!

Fun Fact

I solved the Rubick’s Cube without any guides, and it took me about 3 months to solve it. Ask me, and I’ll show you my quirky solution.